Posts & RepliesRe: Copy public link is not working on I posted about this bug months ago but Dropbox weren't interested. Dropbox is on the way out folks, start moving your files elsewhere before it's too late! Re: How to increase the Thumbnail photo size. I fully agree. Let me know which alternative you settle for. I'm about to try Amazon Prime which appears to offer a lot of storage. I like a lot of Dropbox, but their contempt for their users must be...Re: How to increase the Thumbnail photo size. It turns out that the thumbnails are 32 x 32 pixels. Seriously?!? What planet are dropbox on that they think it's acceptable to display such pathetic thumbnails? Wow! Re: How to increase the Thumbnail photo size. How do I increase the thumbnail size for pictures in my camera uploads folder? The current tiny thumbnails are totally useless. This is such an elementary feature that there must be a simple setting ...