Posts & RepliesRe: Listing team folders and content Hello Здравко They are missing in case of team folder files when access them using selectAdmin: <team member id> Re: Listing team folders and content When using selectAdmin : <team_member_id of admin> and calling listfolder and listfoldercontinoue with the folder id, I am able to see all the files in team folder but not their path the data doe...Re: Listing team folders and content When using selectAdmin : <team_member_id of admin> and calling listfolder and listfoldercontinoue with the folder id, I am able to see all the files in team folder but not their path Re: Listing team folders and content Hello Legendary Let me explain the problem in detail Re: Listing team folders and content This value comes however in case of user file 2024-09-13T12:33:46.823Z 7b23231c-d109-59e2-9a4e-7c42e2455f91 INFO Entry for normal file: { '.tag': 'file', name: 'IMG_2234.MOV', path_lower: '/cl...Listing team folders and content I need a critical help with question below. i am developing a backup and restore solution which backups data from dropbox and store in s3 bucket. I am using typescript lambda to achieve the same...