Posts & RepliesRe: client.files().downloadBuilder drops download speed suddenly And how does it happen that it is reproducable using 2 different ISP on my side? Re: client.files().downloadBuilder drops download speed suddenly I understand that all can be explained the way that the things depend on depend on depend on ... The reality is it works for google drive and works poorly for dropbox. So that I can not suggest the u...Re: client.files().downloadBuilder drops download speed suddenly Unfortunately the issue is not about my ISP. The same application code works fine for hours if using google drive. I could try to check if it is a plan related issue, but I can't -- my country...Re: DbxClientV2.sharing().listFolderMembers does not return user I could try to check if it is a plan related issue, but I can't -- my country is not in the list on payment form. Could you give me a "Plus" plan for a couple of days? I will tell which account for. Re: DbxClientV2.sharing().listFolderMembers does not return user Unfortunately the issue is not about my ISP. The same application code works fine for hours if using google drive. Re: DbxClientV2.sharing().listFolderMembers does not return user Look at this: I've got no idea why they marked this as spam...client.files().downloadBuilder drops download speed suddenly I use this simplified java code to download some binary files: DbxClientV2 client;//some client String filePath;//some file path OutputStream out;//some output stream try (DbxDownloa...Re: DbxClientV2.sharing().listFolderMembers does not return user ok DbxClientV2.sharing().listFolderMembers does not return user I have some folder which is shared with this email: (I guess that such a dropbox account does not exist). Anyway if I use java api call: DbxClientV2 client;//some client String sha...SolvedRe: pkce web auth does not workI am sorry but I did not get any messages. Please could they just send me response once more to my email. Actually I got notified email on your recent reply: Hi programmer, Greg-DB (Dropbox Staf...