Posts & RepliesRe: API raises exception when uploading big files in session The root should be "", not "/". Re: API raises exception when uploading big files in sessionThe error is "malformed_path." What's the value of dest_path?Re: Create a folderOh, I also see /2-beta-2/ in your URL. I'm not sure whether that's still expected to work, but you should really switch to /2/. Again, the HTTP response would tell you if that's the problem. Note t...Re: Create a folderWhat's the response from the server? Does the call succeed or fail? If it's failing, the response will probably tell you what's wrong. If I had to guess, it's `Bearer'+this.accessToken. You seem to...Re: .NET Exchange authorization codeSee Missing or empty HTTP "Content-Type" What is CRect? My best guess would be that the library you're using to make HTTP requests omits the Content-Type header when there's no POST body. Re: Cannot auto rename file Did you mean "this does not rename"? Make sure you're uploading different content. Dropbox does not consider there to be a conflict if you upload content identical to what's already in that fil...Re: I have a CSV file with headers/fields?It appears to me that the dbox module also uses the deprecated API v1. (If this code doesn't need to work past June, that's okay to ignore.)Re: I have a CSV file with headers/fields?Actually, I made an assumption about the library you're using... but I see that you said you were using version 1.3.14, but the library I mentioned has a current version of 0.1.8. Could it be that ...Re: I have a CSV file with headers/fields? I've redacted the access token in your previous post, but since it was visible for some time, you should really disable that access token to make sure no one else can access your account. I bel...