Posts & RepliesRe: Dropbox prevents Windows from going to sleep? Absolutely. Re: Dropbox prevents Windows from going to sleep? Sorry for the extended delay in my reply, I've been super busy. I now tried this advanced reinstall and it had no effect on the issue. Even though DropBox being installed or not seems to have som...Re: Dropbox prevents Windows from going to sleep? Today the laptop came back from inspection. They did not find anything wrong with the hardware, the only thing they did was to update BIOS. As soon as I tested putting it to sleep mode, the problem r...Re: Dropbox prevents Windows from going to sleep? Thanks Jay for the reply. The operating system is up-to-date. There are dozens of applications installed, and by uninstalling them one by one (first taking a backup image of the initial state, of...Dropbox prevents Windows from going to sleep? I'm running Dropbox on my Windows 10 Home Edition. The computer is Acer Predator PH315-51. The problem is that Dropbox prevents my system from going to sleep (also hibernate) properly. As soon as I h...