Posts & RepliesRe: How to calculate folder size of a "root" folder on the website How do I determine the size of that folder and its contents? I looked this up recently and pretty sure it ended at Dropbox had taken that functionality away. Re: No additional space on Business Advanced There is no more unlimited plan and noone was grandfathered into it. Re: No additional space on Business Advanced visionhouse I had DM'd several tech media authors on Twitter when this first started but had not heard back from any of them. ArsTechnica, TechCrunch, CNET, etc. Re: No additional space on Business Advanced Eldon McGuinness Doesn't include drives, but purpose built and solid customer service. Re: No additional space on Business Advanced Yeah, lot of companies going back to on-prem. 45Drives has their Storinator as an option for people Re: No additional space on Business Advanced That's true it does, but situations like this are less likely to arise. Always the trade off: speed or cost or quality. Re: No additional space on Business Advanced I would highly encourage users to NOT look at Dropbox as an Enterprise service. Nor Google Drive, nor, nor any of the other ones like that. Frame.IO is launching a service soon that allows us...Re: No additional space on Business Advanced clintwb How long have you been a member? Did you have a Business Services Agreement? Re: No additional space on Business Advanced cgi_ltd It all depends how frequently you're accessing the data. For example, 600TB in cold archive would be $600 per month, $7200 per year. But then if you needed to recover all 600TB that would be...Re: No additional space on Business Advanced trafficjamstudio There is a trend of companies starting to migrate from Cloud back to local. For hundreds of terabytes people like us should be checking out Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Backblaze, Wasa...