Posts & RepliesAuthorization code flow no longer works? I am posting all required parameters to but the servers keeps returning a very vague error: REQUEST: POST HTTP/1.1...SolvedRe: Authorization code flow no longer works? Hi Greg, I think you are right, I recently updated a large chunk of the code when I migrated my plugin from API v1 to v2. The v2 documentation states that RPC enpoints on the doma...Re: Authorization code flow no longer works? Next I realized I was hitting the wrong endpoint, needs to be, not Unfortunately I am still getting the same error. Re: Authorization code flow no longer works? Just noticed a typo in the request code (retirect_uri), should be redirect_uri. But it is still not working. Re: API V2 unable to list folder using file id I don't mean to criticize, but it sounds like this glaring inconsistency is being treated as a feature request of a lowest priority (apparently)? Sure, an ID can always be resolved into full path usi...Re: API V2 unable to list folder using file id An ETA would be nice, please?