Posts & RepliesDB Passwords not working hi, I have trouble with Dropbox Passwords these days, whenever I access it, I get a blank page.. is it currently not working? or is a paid feature now? I don't mind paying for Dropbox, if it...SolvedRe: DB Passwords not working I reached my limit of devices, so I removed a few and re-linked the account in Brave, works perfectly now! Thanks a ton Re: DB Passwords not workingI'll try that out, I have only used the chrome extension / web version so far. And mobile, I'll install the desktop when I get to it! Thanks for the help!Re: DB Passwords not workingThanks for replying, Yes, I tried it with chrome aswell right after and got the same result. But this only happened with my new PC (Windows 11), it worked before with Brave on a Macbook..