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Sync dropbox across multiple locations/hard drives

Sync dropbox across multiple locations/hard drives

Ashvin B.
New member | Level 2

I have a larger dropbox account than my primary hard drive. It would be great if dropbox could support virtual links to files outside of it's default location, without those files having to also be in the main dropbox folder. I am aware of shortcuts/aliases on windows/OSX, but those don't solve the problem if my primary drive has limited space.

This is one workaround, but native support through the Dropbox client would be ideal:

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Status changed to: Closed
Helpful | Level 6



i think this feature got a lot of requests already, but maybe i can give another view on this topic.

We are a Music / Audio Production Studio working with Dropbox Business Advanced and currently we have all of our Productions and Materials synced to Dropbox.

All of this is located locally on an external RAID 0 Storage. For performance reasons we would like to use another storage device so our Production files are seperated and get full performance, while our material is on the second storage device with full performance (just like the recommendation for working with audio because of sample browsing etc.).


Our need is to get Dropbox to sync folders from two differenct local locations (like it did with Symlinks, but this no longer works).

Example for the File Structure:

Local Storage01 -> "Productions" Folder gets synced to Dropbox > "Productions"
Local Storage02 -> "Material" Folder gets synced to Dropbox > "Material" , although it is on a differenct local hard drive.


So basically, a functionality to choose the synchronisation for Files + Folders outside the dropbox folder. 


Or maybe the new Backup Function could work, if you add the functionality to back up any folder the user wants to back up, not just Desktop, Documents and Downloads.


Thank you

Renzo C.
New member | Level 2

This is a really need feature. I have a computer with 2 hard drives: 1 SSD and a decond for music production, wich i really need to backup. 
For now, what am I gonna do? Upload the second drive files mannualy directly to website... and leave it there, as a backup, without sync. 😕 

New member | Level 2

There are problem if the dropbox folder is placed in different volume from user folders like My documents and you want to use automatic backup of user folders.


I suggest adding the ability to Dropbox Desktop Client to work with folders located on multiple Windows drives (C:,D:,etc)

Explorer | Level 4

I have a Windows PC with an external drive, using a single Dropbox account to sync the folders on my main drive to the cloud.  Currently, I can either sync the main drive or the external drive, but not both.  I understand this may be difficult to implement, but it is NOT impossible.  Boxifier has been doing it quite successfully for Dropbox for many years and it works exactly the same from a user standpoint.  Boxifier works to sync folders on any drive (including NAS) and works to sync folders on multiple computers.  It is only available for Windows, so Mac users are out of luck.  This functionality really should have been integrated into Dropbox by now.

New member | Level 2



I would like to suggest that you make this feature of 'Backups' further available for clients who do not have there dropbox folder on the internal harddrive of your macbook but use an external harddrive as your dropbox folder.


As surely I am not the only user to use an external harddrive as there dropbox folder instead of having it on the internal harddrive as some of the internal harddrives are not big enough to for the dropbox plan i am on or require. but...


it would still be nice to backups>This Mac feature availble to me.


Screenshot 2020-11-12 at 13.36.27.png


As you can see from below because my dropbox and folder are on different drives it does not allow me to set this feature up, I believe many of your clients will be in the same situation as me and would like to use this feature but aren't allowed.


Screenshot 2020-11-12 at 13.40.41.png


Please could you look at updating this feature? Thanks.

New member | Level 2

why you don't add this simple feature, dropbox??????? I'm planning to get a paid cloud plan and I really like dropbox, I'm using it for years, but this a decisive point to get dropbox or other service premium plan. btw dropbox pc software interface is horrible. desorganized, unintuitive, and lack of configuration options. (ps: I don't use it for browsing files, and don't want to)

New member | Level 2

unfortunately I have to abandon droapbox as it does not have a fundamental function for me: I have to synchronize multiple folders located on multiple hard drives.

New member | Level 2

The ability to add extra Dropbox sync folders onto separate drives. I just upgraded to Dropbox business for 5TB, but I have two 2TB drives on my computer. I can only install Dropbox to one of these drives. I need a Dropbox sync folder on both of these drives in order to make full use of the 5TB storage.

PLEASE add this as a feature: the ability to add multiple root Dropbox sync folders across separate drives.

Right now I have to workaround this by logging in to the PC with a second account, installing Dropbox again on the second 2TB drive, and then signing back into my main account. This is tedious and I have to relog into both accounts each time I turn off the computer in order to get it syncing on both again.

PLEASE ADD THIS AS A FEATURE! A simple Google search turns up hundreds of people experiencing the same issue/desire!

New member | Level 2

I'm managing a small company, and it's nécessary to backup all dropbox regularly to external hardrive.

The problem is this fonction is not possible.

It's necessary to synch all files in local first, and only then backup. The problem is for big data, 2to for example, it's impossible to have everything on local.


Please launch this function, it's necessary.

Helpful | Level 5

I totally agree with this idea! The description can be a bit more clear. I've rewritten the requirements in 3 requirement: 1A, 1B and 2.
1A- Feature "computer backup" should be available also when the dropbox-folder is fysically located on another drive than the main drive of the Operating System (so not only on C: but also on another internal drive or external drive)
1B- Feature "computer backup" should be available also when the computerfolders (Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Videos, Desktop, Music) are fysically located on another drive than the main drive of the Operating System (so not only on C: but also on another internal drive or external drive)

*** Requirement 1A and 1B are a "must-have". Most users will be satisfied when this is available. Next step would be the following "should-have" requirement:
2- Feature "computer backup" should be available when the computerfolders (Downloads, Documents, Pictures, Videos, Desktop, Music) are fysically located on another drive than the drive where the Dropbox-folder is fysically stored.

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93 votes received Status: Closed