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Dropbox ideas

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Got an idea for Dropbox? We want to hear it. Our team will review the top voted ideas, so share them here!

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Sync dropbox across multiple locations/hard drives

Sync dropbox across multiple locations/hard drives

Ashvin B.
New member | Level 2

I have a larger dropbox account than my primary hard drive. It would be great if dropbox could support virtual links to files outside of it's default location, without those files having to also be in the main dropbox folder. I am aware of shortcuts/aliases on windows/OSX, but those don't solve the problem if my primary drive has limited space.

This is one workaround, but native support through the Dropbox client would be ideal:

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do! 
Status changed to: Closed
Frederic C.2
Helpful | Level 6

How this is not a thing yet ?

DropBox is, at the moment a great amateur service, but not a professionnal tool.

I'm after many years of use activly searching for a comparable tool that allow to sync files on multiple drives.

Explorer | Level 4

We need a sync folder option outside the dropbox folder.

To move pictures and videoes from their storage places inside dropfolder is not practical. It breaks the links when you have the photos in Lightroom and other programs. 


Movie clips is also so large that's it outgrows the harddrive.

To use selective sync is not an option. We want to have our files locally and in the cloud. 

If the file is only one place, there is no backup!  We want backup. 


New member | Level 2

Plus one for this feature.

Explorer | Level 4

I'm sort of flummoxed why this isn't already an option. I have a smaller drive that I run my OS on and a larger drive with Dropbox. I really don't want to be forced to buy a larger drive *just* to accommodate this feature when I already dish out $120/year. I've been using Dropbox for years and I've valued the flexibility it offers but if another product has more, I'm not opposed to making that switch.

New member | Level 2

I've scoured this community forum and it looks like all users have been asking for the same thing since 2015...It's now 2021...  Is anyone at DB reading this?

We all need the ability to have multiple hard drives added to a single DB account.

Is this being worked on?  Or is it not even on the radar?

Please let us all know.

Frederic C.2
Helpful | Level 6

I personnaly switched to a similar online service that allow that.
I don't have the patience enough. I mean, this thread as been opened in 2015 and there is no clear snawer it will happen someday.
Good luck for people staying without a clue.

Helpful | Level 6

Same here, this would be such a useful feature! 

Want to get a reply from the development team if this is ever going to be added.

If not, I probably need to switch to another service..


New member | Level 2

I have a small SSD for my Windows 10 OS and program files and a larger INTERNAL RAID-10 drive array on which my Dropbox resides.  I have a 2TB plan for Dropbox. DropBox will only backup files on the C drive. My Downloads and Documents folders are on my RAID-10 drive array, and I have no desire or space to move my Downloads folder to the C drive. I want to see DropBox backup allow backups for other drives within my system. It should not be limited only to the C drive. 


There are plenty of other people with this issue, although I'd imagine I'm one of few who actually uses a RAID array. 

Explorer | Level 3

How is it not currently possible to have Dropbox on disk C and work documents on another large capacity disk?

Dropbox Staff

Hey @emontero, thanks for posting your idea!

Would you mind giving a bit more info?

Are you referring specifically to Paper documents, or just any document file?
