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Saving Paper docs to existing Dropbox folder structure/file-system.

Saving Paper docs to existing Dropbox folder structure/file-system.

liz g.4
New member | Level 1


A number of us have started using dropbox paper at work. We want to save documents that we create in paper to an existing Team folder but I can't see how to do this. Any ideas anyone?

Helpful | Level 6

So New Paper isn't backwards compatible with Old Paper? 🤦

Stijn B.
Explorer | Level 4

I don't know any of the technical details, but it would seem that way yes. I wonder if the reason is that the new Paper creates a document of the type ".paper" that is also synched offline, whereas the old Paper I think worked with web pages that were only available online. But again this is just a guess.

Bob R.4
Collaborator | Level 10

And a good guess at that. I realized as I was reading your previous response that I have been out of the "old" Paper ecosystem for so long that I really have no ongoing client collaborations. And hence no pressing need for the "new" Paper.
I'll think about requesting the migration to the new system, but it's no longer important. I've moved by necessity.

Helpful | Level 6

Exactly--same. I had a pressing need to collaborate with clients, so I've already moved on.


I might request the migration just out of curiosity though. 

Collaborator | Level 8

@Stijn B. Fascinating. My company has lots of Paper documents, so not sure if this would be worth it, but I will think about it...


Is there still a way to access the "old" Paper docs from the old Paper home page (

Stijn B.
Explorer | Level 4

No there isn’t. Dropbox support advised to manually create hyperlinks and add those to the Dropbox. For this workaround to function, all old Paper docs need to be put in folders. 

Dropbox Staff

Hi everyone!


The availability of Paper files within the Dropbox folder was implemented with The 2020 Release of Dropbox Paper. The new release of Dropbox Paper will gradually roll out to all Dropbox customers until everyone is updated to the new version.

Status changed to: Delivered
Collaborator | Level 8

@Nancy What does "gradually roll out" mean? Is there an estimated timeline for this?

Dropbox Staff

Hey @bblu2095, sorry to jump in here.


I just wanted to mention that we don't have an ETA for this, but we'll make sure to keep you posted with any updates that might come our way.


Thanks for your interest in this. 

Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do! 
Status changed to: Delivered