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Personal plans with more storage

Personal plans with more storage

New member | Level 2

Hi! I used to have a paid personal Dropbox account, until I outgrew the 3TB of storage space. I downgraded to a free Dropbox account and started storing my files with a different provider. As a renewal of my subscription with this other provider is coming up mid-June, I was wondering if you are planning on implementing larger personal plans in the future? Ideally I'd love a package that has somewhere between 6 to 8TB.


Switching to a professional account is not an option, because:

- I already use a professional account from the company I work for, you can only use 1 personal and 1 professional account in the Dropbox software at the same time, and I don't want to upload my personal files to my company's account

- a professional account requires several licenses (3, I believe), while I only need 1


Therefore, I would like to suggest to implement the option to purchase a larger personal plan with more storage space than the current 3TB (of course the plan with 3TB should still exist for users who don't need more than 3TB).

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Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
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Status changed to: Gathering Support
Explorer | Level 4

AMEN to all the above comments, as I am in the same boat. As our single-user companies grow we need storage solutions that grow with us.  I find myself, like many of the others above, searching for alternative solutions.  I would like to stay with Dropbox - but current limits on storage, and multi-user licensing costs will force me to leave within the year as my needs surpass what DB can provide. 

Explorer | Level 4

Thank you Megan, your reply was most helpful - especially by allowing me to upvote others in similar situations.  I assume then your development and marketing teams DO read the ideas shared by users.  I did feel better knowing there were others like me in similar situations - but clearly share their concern.  I had not thought of the thousands of individual photographers, videographers, sound engineers, and the like who would be grateful clients for the opportunity to 'pay as you go' for increasing storage capabilities.  You could maybe even offer pricing discounts as DB grows with the work of single user clients.  It was also helpful to see their solutions to alternatives if DB does not make these adjustments.  What saddens me is that many of those comments are 4 yrs old though!!!!

Explorer | Level 4

Having recently posted (May 2024) my similar concerns for expanding storage for single users - I'm now going through as many comments as possible - looking for suggestions to alternatives. What has me concerned is that many of these comments and ideas are 3-4 yrs old - and I'm facing the same problem!   I imagine many have moved on to alternatives (Smug-Mug seemed to be the popular choice for photos/videos) as DB will have dropped the ball in the eyes of many of their single-user clients.  

Experienced | Level 13

@JLNorris unfortunately there's no alternative to Dropbox as of 2024, you have to wait either (1) they go bankrupt for not providing what customers (we) need (that is, expanding Pro plans to like 10/20/30TB, like Google Drive, instead of 3TB) or (2) they finally deliver (which they failed to achieve so far).


I'm suspecting 3 possible causes:

1. massive layoffs in tech recently, including their product/engineering teams, which as result ignored our request and no longer a priority in the product roadmap

2. deliberate/desperate/pointless attempt to force people to sign up for Business plans (the thing is, I don't need a Business plan as I'm a freelance with only 1-user, and the Business plan ruins the experience since it creates a 3-user repository that I don't need + the 3-user repository is a different product meaning I can't even migrate from my current 3TB pro, also it creates another sub-folder level)

3. sheet incompetency (usually that's my favorite explanation), as increasing 3TB pro plans to say 10TB pro plans would take 2 minutes - perhaps they no longer have software engineers to change this line of code? Or they moved the entire engineer overseas to like India (stupid move) and got hijacked?


Anyway good luck.

New member | Level 2

Deseo un plan de 1 TB para uso exclusiamente personal. ¿Podrían crearlo? Incluso de 500 GB.

New member | Level 2

Offering larger storage for individual plans would be extremely helpful. Currently, it's required to upgrade to a business plan and pay for multiple licenses in order to get more storage, but the dropbox desktop app no longer works with all functions when upgrading to business. 

Explorer | Level 3


New member | Level 2
I am a longtime user of Dropbox. Currently on the 3 TB / month 'Essentials' plan. I just ran out of that 3 TB, and via a chat with an agent, learned that there is a hard-to-find option in my account settings (not the Plan page that most links direct you to) where I can purchase 1 more TB for $5.99 / month.

The reason I'm posting here is, apparently after this 1 TB runs out, no more add-on options will be available to me. They said the next tier option for me is the business plan, which I am disappointed to hear because:

- I use dropbox for all my personal stuff, but I am not a business, nor will I ever be (in this context)
- It doesn't make monetary sense for me upgrade to the business plan, which has a 3 person minimum, with each person costing $18 / month. I'd go from paying $28 / month, to $57 / month, lol
- Hypothetically, if the $5.99 / 1 TB add-on could be purchased repeatedly, I'd have to purchase it 4 more times to be roughly equal to the business plan cost. At my current rate of file accumulation, I wouldn't be needing that 4th add-on for at least 8-10 more years. So I definitely can't justify paying for a business plan that whole time, when all those extra features aren't needed. 
TL;DR: I'm worried and frustrated that when this last 1 TB runs out, I'm going to have to stop using dropbox and find an alternative product with a pricing structure that works for my situation, even though I'd prefer to remain a customer. Surely I am not the only person running into this issue?
Explorer | Level 4

Please Dropbox, add more space to individual plans 😪

For some, 3TB (+ 1TB Addon) is not enough. It would be great to have the option to add as many 1TB Addons as needed. I tried the business plan, which now has 9TB, but I don’t like using only one of the three seats. It doesn’t feel right because the folders get restructured into a team setup, but I prefer the naming and organization from the individual plan.


:broken_heart:Please listen, Dropbox. You event haven’t replied to this request! ☹️

Explorer | Level 3

This is according to my request to the Dropbox support team. The scenario is that the most basic subscription plan for storage is 2TB. I've been subscribed to this plan for almost 5 years, and my usage is only 1 % of 2TB (28GB). Only now I have come to my senses that it is such a huge waste of my money, to pay for the unused storage. Dropbox said they do not have smaller storage available that is like 1TB or even 500GB. I wish these options to be made available in the future:


An option for users to downgrade their storage, like my case to a smaller storage space.

Also option for a lesser storage subscription, for example, 1TB and 500GB.
