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Offline mode for Dropbox Paper web?

Offline mode for Dropbox Paper web?

Helpful | Level 5

Will Dropbox Paper for web consider support offline mode for Dropbox Web just like google docs in the future?

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
Status changed to: Closed
Explorer | Level 3



This is a critical feature. Not being able to work offline on my laptop is a killer. When I'm traveling (which is a lot), I often don't have a reliable internet connection or simply don't want to pay $15 for crappy wifi on an airplane. 


I've used Paper for years, dating back to 2013 when it was Hackpad. I love the service and have gotten dozens of people to use it. But the lack of offline mode has me seriously considering switching to Evernote or Quip. 

Dropbox Staff

Hey there @solstice - apologies for the tardy reply and thanks for using Paper!

Thanks for taking the time to share your desire to have offline access to your Paper docs. The Paper iOS and Android apps support offline access and editing, however, this is not possible on currently.

As we’re tracking all feedback requests and actively working on improving Paper, I’ve recorded this feedback for the team to inform the ongoing development of Paper.

Please let me know if you have any other feedback or questions. Thanks!

Dropbox Staff

Hey there @Braceyourself - I hope this finds you well and sorry for the delayed response to your comment. 

We try to collect and track all feedback requests to inform the ongoing development of Paper so I've put your request for a Paper app for desktops on our list - thank you for this feedback. 

As per mobiles, you can download the Dropbox Paper app here:

I hope this helps to some extent and please let me know if you have any more suggestions or feedback.



Helpful | Level 6

Thx for responding to all these old questions, @Walter. Some are so old, they may not be relevant my observation about "yellow" in the UI (FYI - that thread is locked, so I cannot even reply there.) 

I expect most people know about the mobile apps. I agree with @Braceyourself that an independent-from-the-browser, fast, offline, data-sync'd, desktop app would help compete with Evernote/OneNote. But, as a SW developer, I know how crazy complex offline edits are to incorporate into a system designed to be always connected... so I'm not holding my breath for Dropbox to whip up an Electron app version of Paper... unless...

Questions for people wanting a desktop Paper app:

1) What unique things are you wanting that you believe makes a desktop app necessary? (for example: able to view all documents while offline)

2) If the desktop app sync'd all/some of your files, allowed editing only while connected, what would you say? 

Dropbox Staff

Thanks for the additional comments @Tim42c - I'm leaving this thread open so other users can chime in and share their thoughts and suggestions on this! 

If there's anything I can help with in the meantime, don't hesitate to let me know and I will be happy to assist in any way I can. 

PS: Yes, I saw that thread was locked after replying to you there - it was a bit old to be honest, yet, I wanted you to know that there's always someone gathering feedback from all of our forums (or forum's sections - whichever you prefer) so thanks again for sharing your ideas with us Tim. 

Juan R.3
Explorer | Level 4

It would be great to be able to use Paper offline on PC. It would be a deal breaker for me. Thanks

Dropbox Staff

Hey there @Juan R.3 - thanks for using Paper!

I wanted to also thank you for taking the time to share your desire to have offline access to your Paper docs. The Paper iOS and Android apps support offline access and editing, however, this is not possible on currently.

As we’re tracking this and actively working on improving Paper, I’ve recorded this feedback for the team to inform the ongoing development of Paper.

Please let me know if you have any other feedback or questions and happy November!

Dropbox Staff
The dev team is working on implementing additional improvements, but we don’t have a timeline to share about this yet. 
In any case, I’ve added your comments to the previous request and passed it along to the team. If you have any other feedback for us, do let us know.
Super User II

I think quite a few people would love to see this as well!

Explorer | Level 3

I agree. So many loyal dropbox users have raised this. Can't understand why dropbox is not addressing this.