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Make TAGS editable or deletable from master list, please

Make TAGS editable or deletable from master list, please

Helpful | Level 5

Through weeks of tagging thousands of my portrait photos, I've changed my tags to better flow and group by category, but the old tag names are still popping up as options. I would like those gone as options. It would be great to see a master list of tags, and from there be able to manage (edit, delete) tags from a master list, not just from individual files. Thanks for considering! 

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
Thank you for sharing your idea.
We have looked into this, but it is not something we are actively working on at this time. 
We regularly review these ideas, and we will keep you updated if this idea moves forward in the future.
Status changed to: Not for right now
New member | Level 2

Totally needed feature.
A tagging system that lacks management is not really useful.

Managing tags is the second thing I tried to do after Adding tags to some test files. Projects never stay the same, people change their minds, assigned tags need to be renamed, obsolete tags need to be removed.
I assume the main reason this idea is not actively promoted is that people do not use tags in first place 🤷‍:male_sign:. I get that you probably released a MVP for the tagging feature, and tags management is hopefully coming, but that is the issue with MVPs: it is really hard to define what is "minimum viable", if wrong they tend to deliver wrong feedback. 
Thank you for listening, bye

New member | Level 2

There should be an option to remove tag(s) from multiple images 


If I`ve added to 100 photos a new tag the only way to remove it from all photos - go thought each photo and remove it manually !


*Also would be nice to have an option to remove tags after adding to some folder 


Thank you ❤️

#tags #remove #delete #automation #tag #bulk #all #rename #management

New member | Level 2

We need tags management so bad ! 

Dropbox Staff
This idea is open. 
If you like this idea, please share how this would help you, and vote to show your support. 
Status changed to: Gathering Support
Explorer | Level 3

An example: My organization tags staff in photos so that we can readily pull great images of specific people to use in relevant media. Sometimes people's names change! Would be a huge time saver to be able to visit a "manage tags" page and simply change "Jane Doe" to "Jane Roe" and keep it moving.


Another: Maybe we use "headshot" as a tag often but accidentally entered "headshots" a couple dozen times. Rather than edit the tags on each image, it'd be ideal to simply go in and change "headshots" to "headshot" and call it a day!

New member | Level 2

Love Dropbox tags, however i can not find a way to manage tags. For example, a team member adds #usa and another adds #unitedstatesofamerica and another adds #united_states_of_america, etc. Or simply make a mistake spelling a word when tagging. Deleting it from that file is easy, but how do you delete is so it does not show up as an option. And on that note, where can i see the tags created for our team?

Can you pls adivse or create a way to manage the tags your group uses? I am an Admin and looked on the Admin console as well and can not fine anything. 

Tags are SUPER useful, so pls advise how to manage them.

New member | Level 2

Absolutely need this. Tags are so useful for finding photos, but as more tags are added by more users, the list gets messy with multiple tags for the same concept, and I don't see any way to clean it up. The messier the list gets, the less useful the tags are. And since humans are entering the tags, they make spelling mistakes, which I also can't correct, other than by making a new tag and adding it to all the items with the misspelled tag.

New member | Level 2

I agree this would be an asset, with thousands of apps and cloud storage already providing their tagging system. Apple doesn't develop new features daily, but you can manage your tags with a list. Your tagging feature is counter-productive; a person spends more time trying to find the titles (verse the actual file that has been tagged) because of many contributing factors you could easily erroneously create multiple tags) if you're not going to offer a list, then upgrade the way your system makes tags by giving more transparency on already existing tags/checking the system when creating new titles. To avoid multiple almost duplicated tags. Otherwise, tagging is wasted time. And the searching function for files by files is just impaired. You should enable users to perform broad searches and drill down in the system to find specifics(and, or wildcards and exact matches) and with the whole system versus a specific folder. Your charge way too much with all the systematic flaws (tagging feature, searching for files, and inability to utilize cloud-stored files with software) that come with your program.
For this reason, I'm slowly and carefully transitioning all my files to iCloud storage. (less money and more functionality. 

Dropbox Staff
Thank you for sharing your idea.
We have looked into this, but it is not something we are actively working on at this time. 
We regularly review these ideas, and we will keep you updated if this idea moves forward in the future.
Status changed to: Not for right now
New member | Level 2

this is so important for organization and would make dropbox more efficient for a group to use.

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47 votes received Status: Not for right now