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Dropbox ideas

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Got an idea for Dropbox? We want to hear it. Our team will review the top voted ideas, so share them here!

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Enable a larger thumbnail view for files on the website

Enable a larger thumbnail view for files on the website

Office P.
New member | Level 1

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE enable a larger thumbnail view when in "files" folders. We have pix we need to be able to see more clearly!!!!!!

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff

This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.

You can find out more about this feature here and get support or provide feedback in Help from the Community.


Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!

Status changed to: Closed
Mike w.68
New member | Level 1

Dropbox Team - Please add an option to change the size of photo thumbnails. The size that is provided is essentially useless.

Kaya M.
New member | Level 1

PLEASE, Dropbox - You know the thumbnails are too small, especially if using a smartphone. I see that customers have been asking for this to be addressed for several years. I am a press photographer, using my other Dropbox account for access to several years worth of photos. Very often I need to select from groups of shots which are very similar to each other. Dropbox makes this process very laborious. So laborious, in fact, that I often give up using Dropbox on my smartphone and wait until I get home.

Not very professional, is it?

Being able to increase thumbnail size would be extremely practical and useful to working photographers.

Kaya M.
New member | Level 1

PLEASE, Dropbox - You know the thumbnails are too small, especially if using a smartphone. I see that customers have been asking for this to be addressed for several years. I am a press photographer, using my other Dropbox account for access to several years worth of photos. Thousands of them. Very often I need to select from groups of shots which are very similar to each other. Dropbox makes this process very laborious. So laborious, in fact, that I often give up using Dropbox on my smartphone out of frustration and anger and wait until I get home.

Not very professional, is it?

Being able to increase thumbnail size would be extremely practical and useful to working photographers. Please take us seriously.

John T.79
New member | Level 1

They don't care, simple. Go elsewhere.

Matt A.12
New member | Level 2

They did finally reply to me. They said adding a larger thumbnail was "not possible" (How? How is it not possible to make thumbnails larger?), and that I should just sync my dropbox files into my dropbox desktop folder so I can use my computer's system thumbnails. Well, gee--that eliminates most of the reason for using Dropbox in the first place, which is to free up hard drive space by NOT having to keep the files in a folder on my computer. By that logic, unless I need to make those files accessible to another computer too, why not skip Dropbox entirely and just keep the files on my computer? Why am I paying them an annual fee to tell me to basically just keep files on my own computer folder that I want to view properly? 

If they can't do this simple thing, I may indeed cancel and go to Google Drive, and just use the free Dropbox 5gb option for basic syncs. I'm an artist/photographer, and if they can't handle something as basic as thumbnails and someone else can, it's time to move on. 

Scott N.15
Collaborator | Level 9

I'm already doing that on my laptop. And they're right. It works great. But what about my phone? I also use the free version of OneDrive and Google Photos and both work wonderfully with photos. At least you can see what they are without having to open the file. This is really sad.

Matt A.12
New member | Level 2

Yes, it does work, if you don't mind the trade-off of having to keep all those files on your hard drive, rather than freeing up the space by storing them on, which was the original basis for using Dropbox in the first place.

Rather than giving us reasonable website thumbnails, Dropbox is basically telling us, "you can have all the big thumbnails you want--if you just keep storing the files on your own computer drive instead of using us to free up the space. Ta-daaa!"

Gee, thanks, Dropbox. Terrific thinking there. 

Scott N.15
Collaborator | Level 9

You are correct sir. If your photos are in an unsynced folder you are basically screwed. And it's not just photos. I have an unsynced folder of videos and searching through them is a pain in the ass.

Kalai K.
Helpful | Level 5

Where's the "Downvote" button for the cookie-cutter:


"Hi there

Sorry for the delayed response - are you still having issues?"

lame responses...


I am so disappointed to discover that this has been an ongoing issue for years and there's no serious response and/or actual progression towards getting what we NEED - Ugh.

Joie M.
New member | Level 1

Along the same lines, I would agree that just showing files and folders in a long list requires tons of scrolling and searching time. Having various 'View' options could be more convenient and productive - finding and sorting files into folders, for example.

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59 votes received Status: Closed