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Email invoice automatically

Email invoice automatically

Chen O.
New member | Level 1


Is there an option to send the invoice to my email each month?
Please tell me it's possible....


Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.
Status changed to: Closed
Explorer | Level 4
Dropbox, we are still waiting for this feature.
New member | Level 2

Where is this feature already?

Strongly considering moving to another cloud provider.

Any why oh why dont you let me login to this community with my dropbox account but make me create a new username??

New member | Level 2

One small but annoying monthly task is collecting the invoices/receipts from various services for the accountant. At least on this side of the world, you need to have a proper invoice, the credit card statement alone won't do. 

Having the receipts and invoices as PDFs, attached to the email would make this a bit easier. 

New member | Level 2
How hard could this be? Office 365 and everyone else does it.
New member | Level 2

I sent an email to the CEO telling him they needed to do this simple change and it was costing them money.  I got a call back from some vp telling me to just buy a year at a time.  In other words, they don't care.

So far I've cancelled 400 of our 600 accounts, and I'll hopefully be completely off of this trash platform in the next few months.  Onedrive really has been better with their new client than onedrive anyways, and it's already included in our o365 plan.

New member | Level 2
I've switched to pCloud for my personal storage needs last time they raised the price again and have been recommending it for others. They also offer a business account, but I have not tried it yet. I'd love to wean our company off of Dropbox as well. Besides the many annoyances like this invoice thing, integration with internal file-shares is a huge pain as well, requiring third party tools.
New member | Level 2

We need to send all invoices to an Accounts Payable Manger at our company. This person does not actually need access as a Member (and we do not want to pay for an extra member account). In addition to the "Email invoice" feature requested by multiple users here we would like to have the ability to set an billing email on our account. This email should be different from the primary admin email. This would make my life a lot easier since our Accounts Payable manager requests the invoice every month.





Dropbox Staff

Hey there @one000mph,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts in detail with us here on the Community! I've made sure to pass this along to our dev team so that they can review your suggestion for future Dropbox improvements.

Also just to note, I've moved your post to our "Share an idea" section of our Community so that other users can upvote and also show their interest in your request. This will allow us to track everyone's feedback on this more effectively too.

Thanks for your time and have a great day!

Explorer | Level 4

I've just wasted 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get the invoices to be automatically sent to my email, so I can forward them to my xero account. This is a basic business requirement and I just found a thread from 2015 with people requesting same. It must be automated, we do not have time to manually action this every month.

Explorer | Level 3

100% supportive of this option. It's a must for any company that has grown to a certain size.

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93 votes received Status: Closed