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Email invoice automatically

Email invoice automatically

Chen O.
New member | Level 1


Is there an option to send the invoice to my email each month?
Please tell me it's possible....


Latest Update
Community Manager

You can easily access and download all of your invoices in the Billing tab of your Dropbox account. You can find out how to do so here:


At the moment, only annual subscriptions will receive the an email receipt after each payment. Please note, we have passed your request to the Billing team, we regularly re-review ideas and will update you if anything changes.

Status changed to: Not for right now
Explorer | Level 3

Still asking for this very simple feature, from your paying customers who live by reimbursements.  we need a receipt emailed to us that we can send to our offices.  It is as simple as every utility company, phone, internet, and pretty much anyone you spend money with offers as a service.  Please consider this, or I will be one of many using a new service soon.  We your PAYING customers have been asking since 2015.

Explorer | Level 3

Just to add +1 to this. I used a lot of online tools and services and many allow me to add a billing email address (e.g. receipts@) and send invoices as a PDF attachment.

It would make my life a lot easier as my corporate finance team could be emailed invoices directly, cutting out me logging in, downloading a file then emailing it on to them.

Please let us add a billing email address (that doesn't require a licence) and email us invoices/receipts.

New member | Level 2

Dropbox is the only service I use where I have to manually login and retreive my billing invoices - barking mad in 2023


All other services will allow me to email my invoices and have them intercepted by Dext. This then processes the invoice and posts it to my accounting system - Xero.


Please, please set up a way to email my monthly invoices to meyself.



zooom events
New member | Level 2

Dear Dropbox Community, and Dropbox Support Team.

The download of 12 individual invoices every year that are even not available as a PDF document is quite a time consuming task.

But every company needs an invoice due to legal obligations …
It would be awesome if Dropbox can implement the same process as for the annual subscriptions:

> Provide a billing email address in the customer account data

> Send the monthly invoices as a PDF attachment to the given email address.

     > Send a notification email with a link: [ Download your invoice ]
     When clicking on that link the customer has to login to the dropbox account on a website but he is are led directly to the view of the latest invoice ...


Thank you very much for considering my ideas!

New member | Level 2


Explorer | Level 3

I struggled with invoices retrieval for a while, both on dropbox and in other online portals. 


After some attempts asking startups to send me via email, I totally changed the thing with a tool I built and I'm using. 


It does everything automatically, so you can have invoices already organized and named. 

I'd really like to share it with you getting some feedback 

Just text me on LinkedIn (Lorenzo Previato)


New member | Level 2

I would simply like to receive a notification to email when a new invoice is available. Would that be possible?

New member | Level 2

This is a really silly feature not to have in 2024. You're quite literally the only SaaS provider that doesn't have this in my entire tech stack. 


Please get it implemented.

Matteo R.3
Explorer | Level 3

Very annoying that I have to login and browse to the receipts page, print the bill to PDF and send it to the expenses system rather than just forwarding the email with the PDF receipt. You are literally the only SaaS for which I have to do this.

New member | Level 2

This is ridiculous that dropbox doesn't do this most basic thing emailing invoices - are they a software company?


Seriously! get it sorted