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Dropbox ideas

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Approved Domains for Dropbox Transfer

Approved Domains for Dropbox Transfer

New member | Level 2

We would love to have the feature of Approved Domains for Dropbox Transfer, just like you can for Shared Folders in Dropbox.


This is a crucial feature for us to control who our employees can send transfer links to as part of our efforts to reduce data leak risk.


We've had to turn off Dropbox Transfer for our users because they can easily send files to anybody, including their personal email addresses, without friction.


Please consider adding this as a feature for Dropbox Enterprise users.

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff

Hey everyone, this idea is open!


If you like this idea, please share how this would help you, and vote to show your support.


Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.

Status changed to: Gathering Support
1 Comment
Dropbox Staff

Hey everyone, this idea is open!


If you like this idea, please share how this would help you, and vote to show your support.


Our top-voted ideas are shared with our product teams to investigate in our regular reviews.

Status changed to: Gathering Support
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1 votes received Status: Gathering Support