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Dropbox ideas

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Allow us to show/hide sidebar items on the website

Allow us to show/hide sidebar items on the website

Helpful | Level 6

I love new features, don't get me wrong, but not at the cost of them cluttering up the UI with features I rarely (or never) use. The sidebar on the web keeps growing with no way to tame it. How about implementing a Gmail-style menu system where you can bury menu items you don't want to see, but can still access if need-be... this way the UI can be more tuned to how an individual uses it?

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff
The team is working on this idea!
Thanks for sharing your suggestion with us and to everyone for supporting it. We’ll update you when we know more! 😎
Status changed to: Accepted
Helpful | Level 6

Dropbox please hire a few UI experts. The right side bar takes up a lot of real estate, is mostly blank, and nobody asked for it. Collapsing of sidebars is standard UI design, even Adobe Acrobat has it (and Adobe isn't exactly at the forefront of UI design).


The general pattern is this: Dropbox adds features that nobody asked for instead of adding those that thousands of users have been asking for for years, such as better file search functionality.

New member | Level 2

Holy bleep! Elsewhere we are assured that Dropbox staff reads all our comments, yet still, after all these years, there isn't a setting to minimize the right sidebar by default? What are we all missing? Has there been a huge outpouring of support for the sidebar, people insisting that it remain as is, open by default? Would it take more than a couple of hours to fix the damned thing?


New member | Level 2

Who thought of that right side bar constantly expanding (so annoying) when you click on a file in a folder?! Who thought that actually was helpful should be FIRED. That thing is so annoying. I'm paying over 199/year so you can force that right side bar out LITERALLY every time I choose a file. What kind of sadistic product development crack was the person smoking? Make it STOP. If I wanted the right bar to expand I can do it myself. I do not need Dropbox to expand it!

Dropbox Staff
This idea has been passed along to the team for review.
Thanks for your suggestion and to everyone who has supported this idea so far!
Status changed to: Investigating
Sytze W.
Helpful | Level 5

Hi Megan,

Great to hear it is passed on for review.

In my opinion only 7 years overdue ...

Hope that the review will actually lead to change.

Explorer | Level 4

Get rid of this. 


Companies are rude and audacious when they take up your desktop and refuse to be deleted.




Note I love dropbox but this stinks

Chris Meeks
Dropbox Designer

Hi everyone! Just weighing in here that we are indeed hearing this issue loud-and-clear and actively investigating ways to only have a right-sidebar element when it's useful, such as when Mac and PC folder/file views allow you to preview a thumbnail of the content while still having access to your list of files.

Importantly, we hear that you want to be the ones to control when this happens, not Dropbox.

Helpful | Level 6

Thank you @Chris Meeks. Please consider this for the upload status box that pops up and takes up 1/4 of the usable area, too. 

Kalai K.
Helpful | Level 5

Interesting that I was just poking around settings (again) to see if I can finally hide/unselect the "Open Detail Pane" that's utterly useless to me (and apparently everyone else here) and now it's July 2023 and this is STILL an unresolved issue... years later 😳


I read all the community input and agree with everyone else here... C'mon DB, fix this!

Explorer | Level 3

I use Dropbox on its web platform and just a few days ago this annoying sidebar started expanding EVERY TIME I click on a file to select! It's completely useless and takes up space on the main view that I need in order to see files details to select what I want to download!


Any way this can be disabled?!