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Dropbox ideas

Got an idea for Dropbox? We want to hear it. Our team will review the top voted ideas, so share them here!

Got an idea for Dropbox? We want to hear it. Our team will review the top voted ideas, so share them here!

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A way to uncheck all folders in the Selective Sync settings

A way to uncheck all folders in the Selective Sync settings

Doug N.5
New member | Level 2

I have many folders and files in my main computer's dropbox. I have a laptop with a small SSD so I can't allocate much space for DB. I need to use Selective Sync to pick which folders. By default all folders are checked. It would be very helpful to have a "uncheck all" checkbox in the dialog box, so I only have to check the one folder I want to share. I also want to have a way NOT to sync the files in my root folder.

Using Mac OS 10.9

Latest Update
Dropbox Staff

This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.


Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!

Status changed to: Closed
New member | Level 2

Thank you, nostradamuszen, that really does speed things up! And I absolutely agree that it is appalling that there has been no credible response from DB, only some sort of "win an Amazon raffle ticket" or somesuch for caring enough to express frustration and suggest improvements, in which case every single person on this forum should win a ticket, as well as get intelligent answers and simple upgrades!


New member | Level 2

Dropbox is the perfect name every time I look at the photo I up loaded they are duplicated again and the I noticed it has benn dropping the ball on all the photo I have uploaded now I have lost all the photos I wanted of my past pets and have a bunch of duplicated **bleep** . I know now why the first word is drop

New member | Level 2

 I purched Dropbox in desperate need of loosing something precious to me to backup old photos of passed pet and be able to combine all the phone computer pic into one sight. If I ever run into a Dropbox employee I'll drop them...... my heart is broke 

Explorer | Level 4

@nostradamuszen's earlier insight re: using the arrow keys and space bar to uncheck folders does indeed make this a lot less painful... also seems amendable to a keyboard macro if you do have 1000s of folders and have to do this a lot


New member | Level 2

I have a dropbox with hundreds of folders - and multiple PCs/Laptops.  When I go to selective sync I have to navigate to that and then manually touch every folder to uncheck it in selective sync.   SUGGESTIONS:

  • Multi-select to let me pick a range of folders to check and uncheck
  • A simple 'Check or Uncheck' all so at least I'll only have to do at most half of them manually
  • A way to save a set of sync folders with a name  Save Folder List As [ALLPHOTOS] and then let me selective sync my list.

Any of thse woudl make something that is a painful chore into a useful feature.

Also - you have room for another tab - Selective Sync should get its own tab - it is a little too buried for being what I would imagine is a pretty common task compared  to some of the other things.

All the best - love my Dropbox+

New member | Level 2

It is so painful to go through checking all those, the feature might as well not be there. I won't pay for it while immature things like that still exist. I pay for other drive services instead since they care about how painful the setup process can be.

Community Manager

Hi there,
Looks like Santa came early this year 🎅!

You can now select all (or deselect all) your folders in the Selective Sync settings.

Hope this news help to have a lovely Friday!

Status changed to: New
Explorer | Level 4

I just noticed in syncing my dropbox to a new comp that they added a Select all box to the top of the selective sync dialogue. Awesome! Keep adding sweet features & I will continue to be among those pushing for dropbox in the places I work.:)

Dropbox Staff

This idea has been closed as it has reached the end of the Share an Idea process.


Thank you for your suggestion, and if you have another idea to share, please do!

Status changed to: Closed