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Re: Dropbox is now too hard to use.

Dropbox is now too hard to use.

New member | Level 2

Congratulations Dropbox,

You have lost sight of your core value added, and ruined your offering. You have layered so much unwanted additional functionality on top of simple file sharing, the the interface is now confusing and inaccessible. It's very difficult to do the simplest things like copying a link to a file in my dropbox so I can paste it into an email for someone. You want me to use your collaboration tools, and your "improved" methods for sharing files.

Not Interested in being coerced into doing things your way. Dropbox is now too hard to use. I am actively searching for a new file sharing platform that understands the real value it is adding. Oh, and adding all this new crap does not justify raising your rates.

Goodby Dropbox.

Unhappy customer

38 Replies 38

Helpful | Level 6

Same issue here. I and my team rely heavily on WhatsApp for field personnel to send back photos to the operations team.
Before I would use DROP SYNC to synchronize android devices to my Dropbox folders.

The files no longer go into my nominated DROPBOX folder on my RAID 10 drive in my pc. Instead, after the latest update, they are "virtually available" in the drop box virtual drive on my pc. The problem is that my C drive is a high speed SSD REVODRIVE with cad and other important software. When I try to move the 1.5 TB dropbox folders to my D drive where the original folder was; I receive the error "Dropbox already exists" Dropbox does not allow live synchro to an existing folder on my D drive. Just a virtual folder on my already cluttered C drive. I want ALL my files live on my PC. In my D drive.

I am sure there is a way to do this. But I do not want to become a programmer to learn how to relearn what is not broke; that worked before. I am sure there is a programmer somewhere with his head up against the tree trunk and doesn’t realize he is in a forest.

This is the problem that programmers have visions that make programming sense but are devoid of the basic functionality on which the average use relies. I have several professional drop box accounts that are distributed to site leads; I am actively looking for alternatives.


There is a feeling of frustration when a product that is simple and usable changes to unmanageable and unintuitive.

I understand that manament must stay on the wave of development; or lose out to newer technologies that virgin users find more accomodating than even  legacy users.  There has to be a blaance .  It is lost in my opinion.  You are tampoering with your core user group. 

Explorer | Level 4

I am a Mac user but experiencing many of the same issues. Dropbox was simple to use - it just stored my photos, they were filable and easy to find. Most importantly to me every time I connected my phone the photos downloaded without me having to do anything clever. I proudly told other people what a great app Dropbox was.

I get that many people are not as dim with technology as I am, and that they may have needs that Dropbox in its current form may answer perfectly. If the main drive of Dropbox as a company is to answer those needs I have no real issue with that but I really don't understand why while answering those needs the baby is thrown out with the bathwater. 

Photobucket did a similar exercise, suddenly deciding they were going to charge users for what they had previously offered for free. Almost every user found some other way of storing their photos. It must be possible to keep both groups happy without too much effort, when you already have a working system, you don't have to have a huge great R&D budget to invent something new, it already exists 

Helpful | Level 6

I psent more than 30 minute sonline with tech support.  I told them that this NEW appearance on my C drive of a redundant Drobox folder was incomprehensible. WHat is worse is that my phone no longer synchronizes my whatsapp media and camera to my origianl folder. 


Even tech support could not move the fodler to my D drive where I have room.  They asked me "do you have Widnows 7 ..that is the problem apaprently" didnt get my paymnet?  I decided to send it in dollar emogie symbols.... 

This is another attempt to force a user to store eerythign online. People also ask

New member | Level 2

Couldnt agree more - its now pracitically impossible/difficult/unpleasnat to use when you are on the move.

It is so unnecessary as the origianl system was fine and its been completely ruined .

I am actively looking for an alternative


Leif Askeland
New member | Level 2

Very much agree.   Way to complicated now.   I need something simple that allows for a single click share or upload.

New member | Level 2

Absolutely agree.  So shockingly confusing that the simplest task of actually sending multiple photos is actually impossible.  Good bye dropbox.  No way would I pay for such a headache.

Super User II

Which parts in particular @jordancarter ?


I think for a lot of people they dont 'get' the concept that Dropbox is on their local hard drive and is essentially a mirror to the cloud. I do, however, believe that the new backup feature is badly explained/implemented and causing far too many confusions. 


:penguin::penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin: - :penguin:

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Explorer | Level 4

I lean towards apps that do a few things and do it well.  Your analysis is spot on.   The apps/software companies tend to add features that appeal to the people paying the bills.   I only use the free version as my needs are simple.  I did try to use the synching feature and proceeded to wipe out my home folder on my Mac.  I still can't unlink some folders on my Windows box.  I have read the various help messages and they have not helped.   Bottom line is my experience with the NEW Dropbox has not been good.

New member | Level 2

For some reason it used to be easy to download files from Dropbox to your phone, now it's a PITA.


There used to be a simple "save to device" option directly, now it's buried in a few menu options. This is a huge step backwards and NOT user friendly at all.

I do think Dropbox is one of the best cloud storage options, and it works great on a desktop/laptop, but the Android app UI could use a LOT of work in terms of making it easier and more intuitive to use. Do they actually do any app user testing???

Explorer | Level 3

Casper, would you be willing to send me completely basic instructions on the use of dropbox? My dentist sent me a dropbox link of a CT scan. I downloaded dropbox. I have been unable to view the scan. When I send a viewing link to others, they are also unable to view. The instructions provided are a dead end & dropbox provides no support. 


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