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How to stop Dropbox syncing entirely?

How to stop Dropbox syncing entirely?

New member | Level 2


My query is stopping syncing all together. All the information online is directed to specific objects/folders syncing or selective syncing.

I am in need of catholic syncing stoppage to organize my disk. How can I do that?


P.S of course want all the files intact

5 Replies 5

Dropbox Staff

Hey there, @StergiosKost, how are you today?


It sounds like you wish to stop the syncing of the Dropbox desktop app, in order for you to organize your hard drive, without affecting your files online, is that correct? 


I just want to make sure we're on the same page, and that I provide you the appropriate next steps.


Let me know, and we'll take it from there!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2

Sort of yes.

First I have trouble understanding the desktop Dropbox app. When I run it from start menu, it doesn't run a program with friendly UI but instead opens a file with this path C:\Users\'something'\Dropbox
This is confusing by itself but to not to spread the issue at hand. 

I need to stop the syncing in order to be able to delete and sort files in my SSD. All the files have a dropbox index in their path like so :C:\Users\***\Dropbox\PC\Desktop\keep\Documents\example
On a second note I will need to find a way to have my files in :C but not nested inDropbox necessarily


Dropbox Staff

Hi @StergiosKost, you mentioned "not to spread the issue at hand", and about the app's UI, however I'm not entirely sure about what that issue is. Can you elaborate? 


Keep in mind that the desktop app is there to sync your changes from the web locally, and vice versa. It's a link between your Dropbox account, and your Dropbox folder. 


In any case, you can either temporarily pause the syncing of the app, or uninstall the app entirely, so it stops syncing the changes from your Dropbox folder, online. 


Is it possible that you're referring to our Backup feature, in regards to your Downloads, Desktop and Documents, and that you wish to disable it? 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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New member | Level 2

Thank you Megan, for your reply and clarifications.

I managed to pause syncing as I needed with the purpose of changing/deleting files without dropbox updating them (please tell me if I am wrong here).

When I create a folder on my desktop it has this path "C:\Users\Kosto\Dropbox\PC\Desktop\New folder"
Does that happen due to the backup feature as you say?
What do I need to do so that in the previous example the path would become "C:\PC\Desktop\New folder"?

Dropbox Staff

Hey @StergiosKost, sorry to jump in here, but I just wanted to confirm that this indeed happened due to the Dropbox Backup feature.


If you have the desktop app installed and running on your computer, you can disable it from the app's preferences under the backups tab.


Otherwise, you might need to visit your backups page online and disable or delete it from there.


In any case, keep us posted on your progress, Stergios. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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