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How do I remove Dropbox from my Mac if I get an error message when attempting to uninstall?

How do I remove Dropbox from my Mac if I get an error message when attempting to uninstall?

Heather G.6
New member | Level 1
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I am trying to delete the Dropbox app from my Mac, but it gives me an error message saying 'The item “Dropbox” can’t be moved to the Trash because some of its plugins are in use', even after closing all other open applications. What could these plugins be and how can I stop them from being in use?


48 Replies 48

Peter B.169
New member | Level 1
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What happens to all of the shared stuff?  Is it gone now?


Well, I wanted to keep all of my documents but uninstall from my MacBook so I moved all of the data back to dropbox before attempting to uninstall. There are a few options of what could have happened to the data.

If you saved it to an alternate spot then you still have the data.

If you moved it all back to dropbox, then all of your data is in your online dropbox account.

If you did as I suggested in my first post and delete all data from within all dropbox folders then the folders, AND you deleted all of the data from your trash, then yes, all of your data and the program dropbox are gone.

Glad this worked for you.

Frederique A.
New member | Level 1
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I have the same issue. I can't empty dropbox from the trash as it is in use. I went yo the activity monitor but could not find anuthing that had to do with dropbox.


Roberta G.
New member | Level 1
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Piet Hein C. I LOVE YOU! Thank you so much for this tip. Aloha

Joe P.33
New member | Level 1
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Thanks Piet Hein and Rajat.  Dropbox, you suck.  I look forward to the day you app is but a distant memory.

Sarah F.31
New member | Level 1
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@Andrea. P: Maybe you guys should update this article to include force quitting dropbox finder integration:

Umesh R.1
New member | Level 1
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Try to do the following

  1. control-click on Dropbox.
  2. select 'show package contents'. You will be able to see a folder named "Contents"
  3. open folder
  4. delete everything there in the folder.
  5. open finder window
  6. navigate to folder containing Dropbox app.
  7. press command-delete and move to bin


This should help you.

Duff W.
New member | Level 1
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Nope and nope...I have tried all of those and this damn icon is still not letting me!

Umesh R.1
New member | Level 1
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Well, this is how I did it. Can you tell me which version of Mac are you using? Because this could be the only hurdle. else you should be able to delete it.

amalia v.
New member | Level 1
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@Frederique A.

@Umesh R. 

Also tried the above, as soon as I tried to delete in from the trashbin I get dropbox still in use. 

a)In the activity monitor I see no dropbox, 

b)I have unlinked the mac from the dropbox site

c)i tried show package contents and delete the folder but still get the same error.

d)when I restore the dropbox app in the apps folder I cant open it, it says damaged or incomplete

e)my mac version is 10.7.5

Plz help its so annoying!

Duff W.
New member | Level 1
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^ SAME problem, got support involved, but they wouldn't help me. So annoying...someone, anyone help. I have tried all of the above; Dropbox doesn't show on Activity Monitor. Unlinked, 

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