You might see that the Dropbox Community team have been busy working on some major updates to the Community itself! So, here is some info on what’s changed, what’s staying the same and what you can expect from the Dropbox Community overall.

Forum Discussion

Luc-FJ's avatar
Helpful | Level 7
3 years ago

Offline Online Green checkmark / Cloud icon indicators not visible / Finder MacOs 12.3 M1

Hi, was wondering if the Green / partially green and Cloud icon indicators for Selective sync inside finder are coming back soon? I know that you're working on a fix with new Macs and online previewing, is this part of the same problem?


Dropbox v145.4.4921
MacOs 12.3 M1


Hope to hear from you, makes it really hard to get an indication which folders and files are stored locally.


  • Hey Luc-FJ, sorry to jump in, but I think Hannah was asking if the app was 'up to date' in your menu bar, or if it was still syncing etc.


    If it's up to date indeed, could you try the following steps and let us know if they helped improve matters?


    1. Click on the Dropbox icon from your Desktop and quit the application
    2. Open your Activity Monitor from your Mac Utilities folder
    3. Force quit out of the instances of the Dropbox application that are running by searching for "Dropbox" in the search bar, then clicking on the "x" force quit icon on the top left
    4. Re-start Dropbox from the applications folder by double clicking on the Dropbox application
    5. Click on the Apple icon in the top left of your screen
    6. Click on "force quit"
    7. Relaunch the finder.


    Keep us posted!



  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    Hey Luc-FJ, thanks for posting your question to our Community today.


    Would you mind giving us a bit more info on what you see?


    Do you not see any icons on your files at all? Or are they just different?


    Also, what's the status and the version of the application installed on your computer?


    You can see that by hovering your mouse over the Dropbox icon in your menu bar.



    • nhigson's avatar
      Explorer | Level 4

      I have upgraded my M1 2021 Macbook Pro to the latest OS Monterey 12.3.1 and I am not seeing sync icons on any of my files either. This is on the desktop when looking at files. 

    • Luc-FJ's avatar
      Helpful | Level 7



      I don't see any icons on the files from dropbox, besides the regular Finder UI elements like the folder icon off course.


      I don't quite understand your question about the status and version, isn't it the number that I've already send you above?

      Dropbox version: v145.4.4921
      Status: Updated
      MacOs version: 12.3 M1



      • Walter's avatar
        Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

        Hey Luc-FJ, sorry to jump in, but I think Hannah was asking if the app was 'up to date' in your menu bar, or if it was still syncing etc.


        If it's up to date indeed, could you try the following steps and let us know if they helped improve matters?


        1. Click on the Dropbox icon from your Desktop and quit the application
        2. Open your Activity Monitor from your Mac Utilities folder
        3. Force quit out of the instances of the Dropbox application that are running by searching for "Dropbox" in the search bar, then clicking on the "x" force quit icon on the top left
        4. Re-start Dropbox from the applications folder by double clicking on the Dropbox application
        5. Click on the Apple icon in the top left of your screen
        6. Click on "force quit"
        7. Relaunch the finder.


        Keep us posted!



  • Hannah's avatar
    Icon for Dropbox Staff rankDropbox Staff

    And what's the sync status and version of the app, please?