Forum Discussion

isaachadaac's avatar
New member | Level 2
4 months ago

Sharing folders to users with viewer still permits downloads

I am working on an integration for our business that uses the API to shared a folder's content with an email attached to the order. Previously we used Google Drive to solve this but have experienced some issues and we would like to make Dropbox our new home. At the moment, I am granting the email addressed attached to the order viewer access like so:

const payload = {
   members: [
         access_level: "viewer",
         member: {
            ".tag": "email",
            email: "email@addr.ess"
   quiet: true,
   shared_folder_id: "<folder_id>"



Essentially it does grant the user viewer access however they still have the option to download the folders content. Is there a way that we can restrict this? Essentially we are trying to prevent file sharing of our businesses documents.