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Forum Discussion

_shintaku_'s avatar
Explorer | Level 3
3 years ago

I can't access newly created folders via API

I am using Dropbox for Python (https://dropbox-sdk-python.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html). However, I realized that the script doesn't retrieve newly created folders. The script is like this....


client = dropbox.Dropbox(DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN)

file_list = client.files_list_folder(r'', recursive=True )

myfolders = [x.name for x in file_list.entries if 'size' not in dir(x)]



This script gave the same problem on both 'App folder' and 'Full Dropbox' as suggested on this thread: https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Dropbox-API-Support-Feedback/API-can-t-see-new-files-in-APP-folder/td-p/352584