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Please extend the classification criteria for The Netherlands (and other EU countries)

Please extend the classification criteria for The Netherlands (and other EU countries)

Ronald van de Langenberg
New member | Level 2

The classification report gives us as administrators (and CISO's) the opportunity to scan our files for data that require higher levels of protection.


I understand that these features have developed primarily for the US, followed by the UK, Australia etc.


For all EU countries the GDPR requirements are basically the same and this "Classification" feature is a brilliant solution to scan (at least some important elements of) the compliance with these requirements. However the classification scan stops at identifying risks for Germany and France. However we are based in the Netherlands and I assume that Dropbox also serves customers in other EU countries not yet included.

Since I would very much value the inclusion of classification of Dutch TIN (in Dutch: BSN) numbers, passport, ID and driving license numbers, I would like to ask you: please prioritise extending the classification to The Netherlands and other EU countries. Passports, ID and driving licenses have similar unified layouts throughout Europe, so I hope that extending the classification to other EU countries will not be overly burdensome.

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Dropbox Staff

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